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Rediscovering Your Dreams and Your Mojo

Writer's picture: Coach KatCoach Kat

Updated: May 8, 2024

By Coach Kat, May 3, 2024, copyright 2024 Bronwyn Katdaré. All Rights Reserved.

Do you sometimes feel stuck in a rut, stressed out by the demands of daily life, and unfulfilled despite checking all the boxes society expects? If so, you're not alone. Many Gen X and midlife women find themselves feeling unseen and disconnected from their true Self (the soul-self) and passions as the years go by.

Dreams and aspirations may have taken a backseat to family obligations, career demands, or simply the fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. Whether you consciously decided to shelve those dreams or they gradually faded into the background, the loss of that driving purpose can leave you feeling deflated and questioning your path.

Revisiting those long-lost dreams can be a powerful way to reconnect with your authentic self. Perhaps your dream was to start your own business, write a novel, or backpack across Europe. Or maybe you had creative outlets or athletic pursuits that slowly fell by the wayside. Wherever your passions lie, rediscovering them can be incredibly healing and empowering.

For some women, reviving old dreams provides the spark they've been missing. With renewed vigor and life experience under their belt, they're able to pursue those callings from a new vantage point. The dream may be the same but the way you fulfill it is different. Others may find that their priorities have shifted, leading them to embrace entirely new dreams that align with their current values and stage of life.

Either way, when you honor the needs and desires of your soul, an incredible sense of purpose and vitality is unleashed.

Of course, the path to realizing your dreams is rarely linear or easy. Doubts, fears, and external pressures can create challenges. Staying true to your soul self is the only way to become aligned with your heartfelt purpose, fulfilled, and at peace.

For instance, since I was 3, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I love, love, love animals! Well, when I was 19, my Cocker Spaniel, Buffy, developed kidney disease and passed away. I knew I couldn’t be a vet. This didn’t stop me from working in animal rescue, owning my own dog training business, or becoming a working K9 trainer and handler. I even inquired about vet school at various points of my adult life. The dream of working and helping animals was the same but the way it played out was different than I imagined. Although I’m retired from all that work, I’d never say never to being a K9 handler again. Today, I spend much time providing healing for animals (Reiki or Shamanic healing). Again, the reality looks different from the dream. That’s OK at this point in my life.

By reflecting on and exploring past dreams, we gain insight into the paths we’ve traveled and the roads that lie ahead. The journey back to Self is profoundly transformative and personal…and filled with passion, purpose, and possibility!

When you're called to rediscover your passions and reclaim your power, I invite you to imagine your ideal day from beginning to end and note how you feel. Compare that feeling with your reality. Take it one day at a time and one step at a time by requesting your FREE 5-Day Workbook to "Ditch the Distress and Reconnect to Your Fun, Fabulous, and Fulfilled Self." Then book a consultation with me as a Freedom and Reconnection Coach or as an Akashic Records Consultant. Through consciousness coaching and connecting with your soul, I'll guide you in moving stuck energy and healing any past traumas or limiting beliefs that are blocking your potential and brilliance.

(Bronwyn Katdaré is a certified Hypnotherapist, Integrative Holistic Health Coach, and Jungian Soul-Centered Life Coach. She incorporates Shamanic healing, Medical Intuition, Reiki, Akashic Records, Young Living Essential Oils, and Kundalini Awakening Yoga into her coaching and healing practices.

As a Freedom and Reconnection Coach, Bronwyn helps Gen X women transform their mind-body health, free themselves from their past drama-trauma stories, and reconnect with their mojo. When you’re ready to step into your wildest dreams in an empowered way and spark peace and magic in your soul, reconnect with heartfelt purpose, feel like you are enough, and embrace the possibilities ahead of you, schedule a free Calm the Chaos Clarity Consult by emailing me at Let’s really talk).

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