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with Magic, Soul,
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Affiliate Disclosure: Any affiliate partnerships listed will provide a small commission if purchased through my link. This compensation will never influence the content promoted. Opinions and views expressed are solely that of Bronwyn Katdaré.
Kundalini Awakening Yoga - Living Room Series: The foundation of this course is Kundalini Awakening Yoga known for creating fast & lasting results. Kundalini Energy is your untapped potential. Kundalini Awakening Yoga works by raising your Kundalini Energy by moving energy through your chakras, up the spine, and reaching the crown chakra where it changes your brain chemistry by activating the pituitary & pineal glands. Benefits: releases fears, increases creativity, removes limiting beliefs and patterns, boosts confidence, improves communication, increases intuition, creates awareness, & connects you to love and trust. Great for your body, mind, energy, and soul. Join me in this downloadable video series I created for you! See more details on the Services page by clicking the link.
My Amazon Author Page: Click here for my full line-up of original children's books, coloring books, prompt journals, and blank journals and notebooks. My Barnes and Noble Page.
Aura app: Claim your 30 day FREE unlimited premium Aura guest pass. Aura is committed to restoring the world’s emotional health by helping you sleep better, navigate life, and find peace. Contains meditations, sleep stories (for kids, too), movement, coaching, energy healing, and much more.
Young Living Essential Oils: Help restore your nervous system with these special blends designed to reduce stress and overwhelm while ushering in peace and calm. Ask me about products you want from my lists. Special section for Peaceful Pets, too!
Launch Your Career as a Holistic Health Coach or Chopra Coach at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition: As an IIN Ambassador, I can offer you $1000+ discount and bonuses on IIN's fully-online programs, including all of the Deepak Chopra programs!
Your link for discounts is here.
This is your discount code: BRONWYNKATDAREXIIN.
Click for program details and for your FREE Curriculum Guide. If you want to talk immediately to an Admissions Representative about any upcoming classes, referrals can call IIN's dedicated Ambassador line at (844) 315-8547 (U.S.) or +1 (212) 730-5433 (International) and remember to mention my name for your discounts.